Make Sure Your Daughter Knows This About Her First Period
So many women have told me that they were SHOCKED when…
…their first period was BROWN, not bright red!
I’ve heard everything from “I thought I had just pooped in my pants without realizing” to “I thought I was dying,” which is why I’m so passionate about spreading the word that it’s *very* common for first periods to be brown.
Why does this happen?
Blood contains minerals that oxidize when they come in contact with oxygen, so brown blood is typically a sign that it was sitting in the body for longer (and therefore had more time to oxidize).
It’s important for girls to know what to expect when it comes to their first period (and puberty in general!) so they can feel confident in recognizing and understanding what they are experiencing. Just because it is common for some girls to see brown blood during their first period, it doesn’t mean every girl will experience it. Others will see more bright red blood or even pink blood.
If you’re wanting more tips on what to talk to your daughter about regarding puberty, checkout my free “Let’s Talk About Puberty” guide!